Traders Area
Top/down analysis of the instrument, starting with the monthly time frame and going all the way down to the hourly chart using TREND TRADING DNA SYSTEM for trend detection and entry levels and correlations with the other asset class (when appropriate) a combination of Price action and Elliott Wave analysis.
We are issuing trade alerts at the moment when the potential high-confidence market opportunity arises. You get simple buy-sell recommendations plus follow up adjust SL/TP recommendations as we monitor the trade.
Trade alerts are published instantly, as we open them with Taking profit and Stop loss levels, and also when we change trade parameters. They are sent to subscribers via the private Telegram group in real-time.
Trend DNA trading system
Unique trend trading system that combines the use of three moving averages and candlesticks. Identifying major support and resistance levels and price action for entry and exit levels. We are here to help you in trading.