Trading desk strategy remarks non edited 1/07/2016

Every week our nonedited trading desk strategy remarks in deep analysis and medium term trading strategy. Unique! You will see how we prepare our trading strategy.


-For——- Trading desk

Main trading strategy  focus still on $DXY

Positions in the USD are being built and we are not changing strategy despite possible pullbacks to 100.500-101.500 zone. We are targeting 105 on the upside continuation.

EURUSD we will continue to build shorts on any rallies to 1.0600-1.06500 zone. We are targeting 1.00907.  We need to see a break below 1.0350 for downside extension and confirmation of downtrend continuation.


USD/NOK we are watching for the continuation higher. We need to be patient regarding recent price action developments and go for longs on a break above 8.5800 level or ideally on a pullback to 8.3500-8.4000 zone.

USD/CAD  the pair is extremely volatile recently. It is entering the buying zone and we will watch price action in the marked zone 1.3080-1.3150. Important notice—- Looking for long entries on intraday price action.


GBP/NZD in a consolidation triangle and could be weighed on the downside with GBP/USD weakness. Looking for entries below 1.7564 for short entries. Important notice—- Looking for long entries on intraday price action.


USD/JPY we have closed the long trade and we will look to enter a new long position on a pullback or on a clear daily break of 117.640 and a retest. Important notice—- Looking for long entries in the 114.500-115 zone or on a clear daily break above 117.640.


Our candidate from Indexes upside continuation is now DAX. Still looking for perfect long entry and we will wait for a pullback to the 11100-11300 zone or on a clear the break of 11620.Important notice—- Look for price action development next week.


To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. Winston Churchill

—-Building USD long positions and watching the opportunities to exploit Indexes strength EUR weakness—-


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